order clause

英 [ˈɔːdə(r) klɔːz] 美 [ˈɔːrdər klɔːz]




  1. The clauses of the query such as its selection terms, the selection predicate in a WHERE clause, and ordering terms in an ORDER BY clause can all be mutated.
  2. The index on the outermost table can be used to return rows in the order of the ORDER BY clause, eliminating the need for a sort.
  3. For example, you may want to change the SQL to take advantage of a newly added index, to limit the number of rows returned, or to add a sorely needed ORDER BY clause.
  4. The order of the update operations in the MODIFY clause is irrelevant.
  5. Like in a regular ORDER BY clause multiple columns can be specified in either ascending or descending sequence.
  6. The order by posted desc clause forces the query to return rows in descending order by the date in the POSTED column ( which is the date that the article was posted on the Web site).
  7. Adding an ORDER SIBLINGS BY clause which is only allowed in composition with the hierarchical query clause and will return the siblings in the predefined sequence.
  8. The row order in the query elements table in which columns are defined determines their left to right sequence within the ORDER BY clause, which in turn determines their sorting priority.
  9. They can be simple, UNION, or joined sub-queries, including OUTER joins, and can include the ORDER BY clause.
  10. If you add an ORDER BY clause, to order by the extracted city value, the result set still remains the same: PARIS, paris, and Paris are treated as the same value.
  11. Next, ensure that the index has these columns in the proper sequence ( according to the ORDER BY clause), so that a sort can be avoided.
  12. To avoid unpredictable output in this situation, we would need to code the ORDER BY clause ( even before DB29).
  13. The temporarily created field SORT is used within the ORDER BY clause, to get the result returned in the depth-first sequence.
  14. Note that an ORDER BY clause in the SELECT statement would not have any effect on the order of the array elements, as it would apply to the rows returned by the statement.
  15. In the next example, the previous query is modified, by adding an ORDER BY SIBLINGS clause to get the siblings in the result sorted by NAME.
  16. Furthermore, if an "ORDER BY" clause is used, each tag carries a num attribute that specifies the sequence of output data.
  17. The pseudo column LEVEL can be used in the ORDER BY clause to return the result set in search breadth first sequence.
  18. These operator choices provide further sorting control and accompany a given column in the ORDER BY clause.
  19. This requirement to add an ORDER BY clause in addition to the GROUP BY clause is new with the RANDOM option.
  20. The word order of a clause is different when the clause is a statement, a question, or a command.
  21. Changing the order of the words in a clause can change its meaning.
  22. Insert or update operations that are based on a self-join follow the order in the from clause.
  23. The ORDER BY clause is specified when you retrieve data from the view.
  24. It is easy for the reader to form a suppostion condition → result constant psychological representation while the item order of the Chinese conditional clause of supposition is result → suppostion condition. The items of psychological representation will be exchange.
  25. Based on the first order predicate logic each qualitative Horn clause rule in this paper is associated with an implication strength f, therefore quantitative f-Horn clause rules and their Herbrand interpretation are obtained.
  26. In order to perfect the structure to the form clause, four suggestions of this text are proposed: 1.Make the special law;
  27. A widespread practice in 20th century is inserting a public order clause while drafting an international convention.
  28. The first chapter for the introduction, reviewing and summarizing the previous research achievements of Modern Chinese word order and complex sentence clause order. The research significance for clause order of 'cause& effect' complex in Modern Chinese is expounded.
  29. But in recent years there are some foreign investors tried to invoke MFN clause to startup dispute settlement mechanisms stipulated in the treaties with a third state, in order to extend the application scope of MFN clause to procedural matters.